Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Use Our RSVP Service - Help Us Save The Environment!

Not sure why we never thought about it before, but the Tree Hugging Family opened our eyes to the fact that our RSVP services are helping to save the environment! Sure they never mentioned our service and promote another one instead (we forgive you, we're just little guys starting out) but it made us take notice nevertheless.

This post from the Tree Hugging Family made us realize that a lot of people still send out a ton of reply cards with their invitations. We came up with an online RSVP service for our wedding because it was easy, cost effective, and kind of cool. I'm a bit of a tech junky, so I thought an online RSVP service would make us look cool. We never really even thought that people still include reply cards with their invitations. It just seemed like an unneccessary cost with the availability of email and the telephone these days.

So if you're looking to do your part for the environment, give our wedding website and RSVP services a chance!

Vegetarian and Organic Wedding Menu Ideas From Tree Hugging Family

There's a blog on the b5 network called Tree Hugging Family. They're currently doing a series on green weddings. I think it's kind of a cool idea. Katlyn and I probably wouldn't consider ourselves "Tree Huggers" but when you're faced with the option of doing something eco-friendly vs. non eco-friendly, why not do a little good?

The first thing that caught my eye was the organic or vegetarian wedding menu ideas they put together. If you're looking for a unique way to tell a story with your wedding reception, planning a green wedding meal might be the way to go. Have a look at the post here.

We'll try to keep you updated on the cool stuff Tree Hugging Family is churning out.